Paris Fashion Week SS 2016: Kaviar Gauche Bridal Couture mit der Kollektion WHITE IRIS
Am Sonntag den 4. Oktober 2016 um 19:30 Uhr präsentierten die Designerinnen Alexandra Fischer-Roehler and Johanna Kühl vom deutschen High-end Couture-LabelKAVIAR GAUCHE die neue 2016 Kollektion White Iris auf der Paris Fashion Week. Die Runway Show fand im Salons Frances-Amérique in Paris unter Anwesenheit von insegsamt 150 internationalen Gästen statt. Unter Ihnen waren sowohl VIPs, wie Amira Casar, Oskar Roehler, Pheline Roggan, Conchita Wurst und Topmodel Lena Gercke als auch internationale Fachpresse vertreten unter anderem durch Christiane Arp (German Vogue) und Kerstin Schneider (Harper’s Bazaar).
Erneut finden die Designerinnen Alexandra Fischer-Roehler und Johanna Kühl ihre Inspiration in einem floralen Element der Natur: Die Iris, eine zartblättrige und auffallende Blüte, die Mystisches und Irdisches vereint und symbolisch für Kreativität sowie treue Liebe steht. Benannt nach der griechischen Göttin Iris, der Personifikation des Regenbogens, strahlt sie in zahlreichen Facetten und ist in ihrer besonders reinen Form, der weißen Blüte, das Leitmotiv der neuen Bridal Couture Kollektion von Kaviar Gauche.
Das Sujet der Iris lässt sich in allen 22 ausschließlich ivoryfarbenen Kollektionsteilen auf unterschiedliche Weise wiederfinden. So zum Beispiel im Keypiece der Kollektion, dem White Iris Dress, das mit seinem opulenten Rockvolumen das Motiv aufgreift und die Trägerin unschuldig, leicht und gleichzeitig einzigartig erscheinen lässt.
Um die fragile Nervatur der Blüte abzubilden, wurde bei einigen Stücken mit Plissee gearbeitet, einer besonders feingliedrigen Raffung des Stoffes. Beachtenswert sind die Iris-Stickereien auf Tüll, welche in aufwendiger Couture Arbeit mehrere Kollektionsteile schmücken und durch ihre unvergleichliche Eleganz hervorstechen. Leichtigkeit und Sinnlichkeit als typische Attribute von Kaviar Gauche werden vor allem durch den Einsatz von hauchzarten Stoffen, wie Chiffon, Organza und Seidentüll kreiert.
Schnitte und Formen der Kollektion erinnern an die Belle Epoque, die Jahrhundertwende, eine Zeit des kulturellen Umschwungs, den die Kollektion im Spiel mit Kontrasten aufgreift: Die Kleider kokettieren charmant den viktorianischen Corsage-Look und verbinden edle Stoffe der Bourgeoisie mit transparenten Silhouetten im Bohemian-Stil. Insbesondere das hochgeschlossene Innocent Iris Dress verkörpert mit einem Korselett die moderne Bride in neo-viktorianischer Manier. Erstmals löst sich Kaviar Gauche in dieser Kollektion von einer hohen Taillierung und kreiert eine Corsage für die unabhängig und starke Frau, die Bewegung zulässt.
Kombiniert wird die Kollektion mit Sandalen, die in Zusammenarbeit mit Selve eigens für die neue Kollektion entworfen wurden. In Anlehnung an die mythologische Inspiration vollenden die Schuhe den Look und bestechen durch irisierende Details, wie Swarovski Kristalle mit Formen aus Flora und Fauna.
Autor: fashionstreet – Fotos:
Kaviar Gauche White Iris @ Paris Fashion Week 2016 Collection
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: Kaviar Gauche-Designerinnen and Alexandra Fischer-Roehler acknowledge the audience during the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Alexandra Fischer-Roehler; Kaviar Gauche-Designerinnen
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A model walks the runway at the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Kristy Sparow/Getty Images)
Kaviar Gauche White Iris @ Paris Fashion Week 2016 VIPs & Backstage
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: Models prepare prior to the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images for Kaviar Gauche)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: Lavinia Wilson attends the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pierre Suu/Getty Images for Kaviar Gauche) *** Local Caption *** Lavinia Wilson
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: Lena Gercke attends the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pierre Suu/Getty Images for Kaviar Gauche) *** Local Caption *** Lena Gercke
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: Lena Gercke attends the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pierre Suu/Getty Images for Kaviar Gauche) *** Local Caption *** Lena Gercke
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: Conchita Wurst attends the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pierre Suu/Getty Images for Kaviar Gauche) *** Local Caption *** Conchita Wurst
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A Model prepares prior the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images for Kaviar Gauche)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: A Model prepares prior the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images for Kaviar Gauche)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: Models prepare prior to the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images for Kaviar Gauche)
PARIS, FRANCE – OCTOBER 04: Pheline Roggan attends the Kaviar Gauche show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Spring/Summer 2016 at Salon France-Ameriques on October 4, 2015 in Paris, France. (Photo by Pierre Suu/Getty Images for Kaviar Gauche) *** Local Caption *** Pheline Roggan
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