Die SHOW & ORDER findet auch in diesem Jahr im Kraftwerk Berlin-Mitte vom 14.01. – 16.01.2014 mit den folgenden SHOW and ORDER BRANDS 2014 statt. Neben den vielen Messen, wie der Bread&Butter und Fashion Shows der Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week hat sich die zum 5. mal stattfindend Messe fest in Berlin etabliert.
Die SHOW&ORDER Berlin 2014 steht für die Ausstellung von internationalen, hochwertigen Labels und repräsentiert eine erfolgreiche Plattform für Einkäufer in Berlin. Über 250 Kollektionen von Designern und Labels weltweit werden hier präsentiert. Darunter M Missoni, Love Moschino, Jerome Dreyfuss, mw by Metthew Williamson und Paul & Joe Sister.
SHOW and ORDER Berlin
Kraftwerk Berlin-Mitte
Köpenicker Strasse 70
10179 Berlin
14.1., Dienstag 10 – 19Uhr
15.1., Mittwoch 10 – 21Uhr („Late Night Order“)
16.1., Donnerstag 10 – 17Uhr
Eintritt: nur Fachbesucher
Nach getaner Arbeit kann man bei einem Drink In der SHOW&ORDER Berlin Bar im 1. Stock entspannen.
041 Italy, 070 St, 1921 Jeans
Absolut Joy, Alice&Trixie, Alice’s Pig, Alison White, Amarilla, Amelie Allure, Ana Alcazar, Ananda, Ancini, Andrea Distante, Andrea&Renato, Anecdote, ANNA TOSCHI, ANNAEFFE, Anneclaire, Anni Carlsson, Annie P., Anonymato, Antik Batik, Appartamento 50, Arlette Kaballo, Arma Leder, Artisan de Luxe, Athletic Vintage, Atlanta Mocassin, Avalanca, AVOCA, Aware Cashmere, Azuni
Backstage, Bagutta, Bagaz, Barbara Kessels, Barbara Schwarzer, Barbed Parka, Beate Heymann, BellaBallou, Belluna, Beneditke Utzon, Bibi Saintt, BIE L-LO, BLACK by k&m, blasy, Blaze, Blonde No. 8, Brand Unique, Branting, Bray Steve Alan, Bronzallure, By Burin, By Malina, By Mi
Caban Romantic, Caridei, Carolyn Frydman, Cervolante, Chantal Simard, ChillNorway, Cinzia Rocca, C’IVETTE MODE, CKN of Scandinavia, Code 30, Code Rouge, Colibri by Pure Fashion, Coordes Couture, cop. copine, Cottin., Countess Wilhelmina, Couture One, CPH luxe, Cute Stuff
Daily’s, Daizy, DAKS London, DAKS Sport, Daniele Alessandrini, De Couture, Delan, Depeche, Dimensione Danza, Dismero, Don’t believe the hype, Dorothy Blue, #DUVETINE
Earnest Sewn, Edith&Ella, Elena Meyer, Elfenhaut, Ella Luna, Ellen Eisemann, Emma Holmes, Emma Parker, Est. in Hell, Etoile Blonde Sonja Kiefer, Eva&Claudi, Exeter, Eyedoll
Fani, Feathered Soul, FEMME by Michele Rossi, FFC, four [ ti:] four premium, Finders Keepers, Fineday Friday, Finside, Forever Unique, Francecsca Zunino, Friendly Hunting, FTC Cashmere, Furry, Futurismo by Valentina Livan
Gamp, Gab&Ty, Girlsbestfriends, Ginette NY, Ginger & Jimmy, Glammy Lady, GLAW Berlin, Glücksfall, GOLDBERGH, Gold Spider, Good Thinks, Good Work(s), Gossip, Grace, Grome Design, Gustav, Gypsetters
JAK, JayJaydesign, Jerome Dreyfuss, JN Llovet, Johnny Belts, Jørd, Juliet Dunn, JUNGMI
Kassuba, KADUE by Arlette Kaballo, Katharina Hovman, Kikoyland, Kim + Zozi, King Louie, KUBERA-108, Kudibal Kopenhagen, KYRA&KO
Love Moschino, Label by Label, La Hola Tel Aviv, Lareida, Larens Zurich, LdiR, Leaf, Leopardessa, Le Pandorine, LILLE, Looxs by Liebold, Lorenzini, Louis&Louisa, Louis&Louisa Pure, Love Junkies, Love Things by Sandra S, Lucas Jack, Luda Nikishina, Ludwig Schröder, Luisa Cerano, Luke Lovely
M Missoni, M.A.C.S Munich, Madame Reve, Made in Heaven, Mademoiselle Tambour, Mädchentraum, Magaschoni, Maison Passage, Mala Alisha, Mala & Mad, Malvin, Mandala Eco De Luxe, MANIA, Manzoni24, Martignoni Como, Maser&Lohmann, Masha&Kate, Massimo Rebecchi, Mavina, Maya, Meatpacking D., Merola Gloves, Michael Gerwin, Michael Stars, Mind of Line, Minx by Eva Lutz, Mischa Lampert, mischmasch Berlin, Miss Goodlife, Miss Me, Misst Jewellery, Monkey Glasses, Mono&Me, Monsieur Steve, Mos Mosh, Mucho Gusto, Mus&Roew, My Brand, My Flowers of Life, My T, My T-Shirt
Namagé, Nelly&Maya, Nicola Hinrichsen, Nil & Mon, NIÙ, NOA NOA, No Man’s Land, NotShy, November Lingerie, No. 8, No. 19 SURPRISE, NUE 19.04, Nurage, NVSCO, NYM
Odd Molly, Officina 36, OGE&CO, OKY COKY, Onorati, ONSTAGE, Onyx, Orciani, Ottod’Ame
Pampuschen, Panicale Cashmere, Paola Mela, Parure Jewellery, Parker NY, Parronchi Cashmere, Pastry, Peacock Blue, Pennyblack, Perle de Lune, Pernille Corydon, Philippe Audibert, Piece of Mind, Pieszak, Please, Plomo o Plata, Primabase, Princesse Metropolitaine, Private Suite, Purotatto
Quay Eyeware
Radical, Raffaello Rossi, Religion, Richard Kravetz, Rio, Rosa von Schmaus, Rush by Denis&Charles New York
Sack`s, Saint Noir, San Blas, San Francisco 976, Sartoria De Cascia, Sartoria Tramarossa, Sasha Berry, Schacky and Jones, Schierholt Sensewear, Schyia, secret PAL, Seductive, Selection by Vanzetti, Sem Per Lei, Sence Copenhagen, Sexy Woman, Shaft Jeans, Shirtaporter, Shivadiva, Shokay, Simplicity New York, Sixtydays, Siyu, Skalski Leather Boutique, SK Sonja Kiefer, Smilla, Smitten, Smooph, Soboho, Sofia Zharova, Sonja Kiefer, Sono Jewellery, SOS, Sous Les Paves, SOUVE, Springa, St. Emile, Stars by P, Stars Incognito, Stephan Boya, Strickmadame by Zebratod, Strong Desert Vintage, Style Butler, Sylvia Toledano, Syster P, SZVATH
Tania, Tataborello, Tekara, Terre Alte, tibi New York, The Laundress, The Love Verse, Thes & Thes, Thirty 6, Thomas Rath, Thomas Rath Trousers, Tigha, Tonet, Toque, Tolani, Trachtsetter, TRES CHIC S.A.R.T.O.R.I.A.L., Tribeca New York, Trixi Schober
UNEETO Cashmere, UNFLEUR, Uno Piú Uno, Urban Clothing, USED, Uzurii
VAN-DOS, Verba Italia, Very Simple, ViaMailBag, Victoria&Yo, Violanti, Vive Maria
Wallmann, Wanawake, Wayuuu Bags, W’D’Looren, weiss homedress, WeStars, Wet Paint, Woolsley
Yippie Hippie, Yue & Sonja Kiefer, Young Couture by Barbara Schwarzer, YULYAFFAIRS jewelry
Zebratod, Zenggi, Ziio, Zoe, Zoe Ona, Zoeppritz, Zoi Giakoumatou